朱迪开来了自己的法拉利跑车,笑着请陆科杰上去。陆科杰还是有点犹豫,他刚刚遇到了自己的挚爱索菲亚,虽然是在元宇宙中。以前对朱迪好,是因为没有遇到心中的那个她,他看了看朱迪,有点拿不定主意。“e on,I won't tell a soul.“朱迪仿佛看穿了陆科杰的心思,往旁边扭了下头,示意陆科杰坐在副驾驶上。朱迪的蓝眼睛是那么的迷人,仿佛会说话一般,嘴角的微笑透出慢慢的爱。陆科杰坐在了副驾驶位置。
朱迪一边开着车,一边右手放在陆科杰腿上,陆科杰突然有点内疚,感觉自己对不起这么好的女孩。”I am sorry, I don't feel well today. I missed an important audition, and It makes me feel bad that I was not io go to your birthday party.“朱迪可怜巴巴的说。“Look, I am busy,I have a lot thing to cope with, and I think you uand me if we are friends, which we are.“陆科杰说。“如果我出唱片,你会支持我吗?”朱迪岔开话题。“sure”陆科杰说。朱迪递给陆科杰一盘光盘,封面是一个金发女朗的头像,美丽迷人,正式朱迪。陆科杰接过来看了看,笑着点了点头,表示欣赏。“Do you like my music?“汽车里唱的正式朱迪的新曲。陆科杰一边听一边笑,”it's vivid, toug my heart.“朱迪有点欣慰又有点无奈的笑了笑。“If I wasme, I would buy my tape”朱迪说。“if one just buy your music tape, it‘s success.“陆科杰说。
”Wow,ha“朱迪右手抬了抬,有点不好意思。”what’s happio you? really, tell me.“
朱迪说。“what‘s happiness, what is happiness……”陆科杰有点迷茫,朱迪打断说道:“To me, this is happiness. to be with you is happiness, just you is enough.“
“Only ohing is b me, Why did you tell your friend Mike that I am your…… fuckbuddy!“朱迪虽然嘴角仍然笑着,语气却很绝望。
“I didn't, I didn't tell him like that!”陆科杰争辩到。“why didn't you even care a little about it?Jade“朱迪似乎有点生气,语气低沉。
”care about what“陆科杰说。” The result that your make a promise“朱迪说。
“ A pomise?“陆科杰有点疑惑。”Yeah, when we sleep together, your body make a promise to me, if you don't love me, why you fuck me!“朱迪有点控制不住情绪大声说。转过头来盯着陆科杰。
“I thought……”陆科杰想解释,无奈的笑着摇头。“what the fuck you are talking about, Ithough you khe thing.“陆科杰也有点愠怒,他想总不能太直白吧,朱迪作为演员,应该知道约炮这回事吧。
“Do you uand how difficult to pretend that we are friends?“朱迪说。“I love you, I am fug love you!“朱迪开始激动起来。朱迪双手离开方向盘,开始加速,头向前磕到了方向盘上。
”oh,oh,stop here……”陆科杰开始惊慌起来,他不知道如果在元宇宙中出事故会发生什么。
“fuck! I am loving you!”朱迪双手捂着脸。
“please, don't like this, we are driving!“陆科杰说。
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