“Jesus Christ, nothing ges. You're still a nerd, so lunatid sensitive!“老婆站起身来,轻轻摇头,抬起下巴,双手摆出无奈的动作,仿佛真的是晓平太敏感了。

“Gonna tell me who it is?”晓平不为所动,补充问道。窗户上透过的光影在脸上变换,正是夏威夷的晴朗午后,惬意而温馨,晓平的内心却心如死灰。

“You wao open the closet? You stubborn nerd! And then we'll both know that you're a fug psycho”老婆一边来回走动,边摆手,走向橱柜又返回,冷冷的眼神扫过张晓平如缟素一样的脸庞,恶狠狠的说道。“is that you want?eh……”


“Thank you!”老婆语气缓和了下,眼神不经意的漂了一眼橱柜。双手往后拢了拢头发。

“That door stays shut. what I am going to do……is t to three. Then I'll put a bullet in that door!”晓平看了看窗外,看到两个麻雀在打架,又转过身来看向老婆。

“Oh,Jesus christ!”泪花在老婆眼里打转,仿佛很委屈又无奈,嘴唇在颤动,转过身,也看着窗外。

“You stop me by telling the truth……, One……”晓平逃出一支手枪,打开保险,对准橱柜。

“Call your shrink, you phycho! Call and tell hime you're fug losing it !“妻子着急又愤怒的说道。

“The truth is a beautiful thing……,two……”,晓平没有停下来的意思。

“How dare you e into this house and pull the bu……shit……”妻子狠狠的说辞不能令晓平改变分毫。






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